94 pages ~ Published on December 4th 2012 by HaperTeen
Book's Goodreads ~ Author's website
I miss Tucker ):
Also I don't like Angela as a protagonist. The book is told from Clara and Angela's POV. There was alot of Angel in this. The love story between Phen and Angela includes some information about Angels. I just really didn't like Angela in this one. I never loved her character, but this novella made me dislike her even more.
I wanted to give this 3 stars, because of Angela and the lack of Clara, but I just love Cynthia Hand too much, and how she created these books, and I can see through fingers with the fact that I don't like one of her characters.
Conclusion = Read if you like the series.

Crossing the Line by Katie McGarry
67 pages ~ Published on April 1st 2013 by Harlequin TEEN
Book's Goodreads ~ Author's website
I think that Katie McGarry is definitely a great writer. At least when she writes about love. I really enjoyed this quick read and found that even though I'm comfortable with how it ended and how much I got from it, it could just as well be a full novel instead of just a novella.
I really loved Lincoln and Lila, even though I barely remember who Lila was from Pushing the Limits. We see a whole different side of her in this one.
Conclusion = Quick and fun read. Recommended.

Die For Her by Amy Plum
60 pages ~ Published on April 2nd 2013 by HaperTeen
Book's Goodreads ~ Author's website
I never really cared much for Jules and therefore didn't expect to like this book, as Jules is the narrator. My expectations were right. The book is the first and second book in the trilogy told from Jules point of view, the first fifteen chapters are from the first book and the rest four are from the second. Which means two 300 pages books shorted down to 60 pages ...
The entire time reading this I felt like Amy Plum was just rushing through it all. I honestly can't see the purpose of this novella. Also I never understood the deal with Jules liking Kate, because to me it seemed like it was something Amy Plum created so that there would be some kind of love triangle, but it wasn't announced to the readers until the third book (at least I didn't see it), and then she needed to prove that he had loved her for a long time, and did that by writing this novella.
No plot at all. The only thing we heard about was how devastated Jules was that he couldn't be with Kate, which wasn't believable.
I loved "Die For Me", I liked Until You Die and from there on it just got more and more disappointing.
Conclusion = Read it if you like Jules or just want to read Die For Me from a different POV.
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